Your Community Church

New Birth Community Church

Developing Disciples, Empowering Christians, & Equipping Believers

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Pastor’s Greeting

I am persuaded our God who is the giver of every good and perfect gift has called and endowed me to motivate and mobilize His people in this effort.
Because our present world and particularly the culture is changing rapidly and this poses another challenge for clergy and church leaders in general.

Through the spirit of evangelism, we must preach/present the gospel, teach the doctrine of scripture in a relevant manner in our pluralistic thinking world’s ear. 
As the evolution of our culture and climate are constantly changing the church must shift in her approach to disseminate and communicate the gospel without complication or compromise.  

I’m confident the Lord has positioned NBCC to minister to all ages diversely, establishing safe havens and creating a climate where people can assemble to discover God’s ordained purpose and given potential for their life. 

Looking forward to more opportunities to offer spiritual, emotional, and relational support to broken families, spousal abuse, untimely pregnancies, transgender issues and other social ills which plague our communities and culture.

My passion and earnest desire are to enlarge and strengthen the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ now; according to words of Jesus in John 9:4 “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.”

May the Lord’s blessings be upon all who visit this page!

Pastor Dave & First Lady Lorraine


Developing Disciples Empowering Christians & Equipping Believers


Bringing Spiritual Conception to Generations


Waste no time and come connect with us or pay a visit to New Birth Community Church today! Embracing devotion to our Almighty God and living by His words every day is our fervent mission at New Birth Community Church.

From the moment our eyes open to the time we rest our heads, our brothers and sisters wholeheartedly strive to honor His divine name.  Through joyous moments and challenging trials alike, we trust in His care and follow His guidance to navigate life’s intricate path.

27 April
9:00 am - 12:30 pm

NBCC Sisters’ United Women’s Prayer Breakfast with New Hope Trinity Bible Church

28 April
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sunday Morning Worship

28 April
10:00 pm - 12:00 pm

Youth Service

01 May
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Wednesday Night Bible Study

05 May
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Communion Service

16 May
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Diamonds and Pearls Women’s Engagement

No event found!

Welcome to New Birth Community Church

A place where you can draw closer to our Heavenly Father and enhance the spirituality of your family. We’re here to provide unwavering support and guidance on your journey. Brothers and sisters, listen up! Prepare to step into a sanctuary of love and worship that embraces everyone. Whether you’re just beginning your relationship with our Creator or you’re well-versed in the ways of devotion, our doors are wide open for you.

As dutiful children of God, fueled by our love for others, we spread His teachings and provide compassionate support to fellow believers on their spiritual journeys. Life is an exquisite gift bestowed upon us by God Himself. It grants us the chance to experience a plethora of wonders, encounter profound emotions, and forge meaningful connections. Above all, life affords us the opportunity to acknowledge and serve our loving Father who reigns in the celestial realm. 

If you resonate with this profound truth and yearn to embark on or strengthen your devotion, look no further than New Birth Community Church. It is a sanctuary where your soul will find solace and your spirit will soar. Connect with us or come meet us at New Birth Community Church today!